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Accessibility statement

We want our website to be accessible for everyone, no matter what device or assistive technology you’re using.

Our goal is to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG) AA compliance on all our content where possible.

Browsers we support.

Our website supports the latest versions of the following browsers:
• Windows: Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer
• Mac OS X: Chrome, Firefox and Safari
• iOS: Safari and Chrome
• Android: Chrome

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of your browser of choice for the best experience.

Known problems.

We know that there are some accessibility problems with our site, including:

• Our PDF documents may not work correctly with screen readers.
• Some of our videos may not have a transcript. All have captions.
• Videos we share from other organisations don’t always have captions
• The following e-learning modules can’t be accessed by screen readers: Being a commissioner and Become a Peer Educator.

Image alt text and accessibility.

As standard, we only use alt text where an image conveys information that’s essential to the meaning of the webpage – for example a diagram about how to do something. Where an image is purely decorative, we don't use alt text. This avoids superfluous information and extra 'noise' that someone using a screen reader will have to get through before reaching the essential information on a page.

Reporting an accessibility issue while using our site.

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our site, so if you find anything on the site difficult to use please let us know by emailing web.support@girlguiding.org.uk

To help us understand the problem, please include:

• the web address or title of the page where you found a problem
• what the problem is
• what computer and software you use

We can’t promise to fix everything right away, but all feedback will be looked into and fed into our programme of continuing improvements to our site.

Accessible programme books and resources.

Our programme resources, including activity cards, skills builders, badge books and handbooks, are available in a range of accessible formats.

If you need these accessible resources, please email programme@girlguiding.org.uk outlining:
• Your name and email address
• Your access need
• The resource format you require

A member of the programme team will then be back in touch within five working days to help with your request.

This accessibility statement was last updated April 2019.
